View your appointment summary

After your appointment, use this to:

  • view a summary of the pension options discussed in your
    Pension Wise appointment
  • print or download the summary

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Before you start

You should have had a phone or face-to-face appointment with a Pension Wise guidance specialist.

Some information in the summary may not apply if during your appointment we found that you:

  • have a Section 32 arrangement – you may not be able to transfer your pension
  • are already taking an adjustable income (receiving income from a drawdown arrangement)
  • have inherited your pension pot – the amount of tax you pay will be different
  • have a fixed term annuity and a maturity amount is payable

In these cases all the options may not be available. You’ll need to contact your provider for more details.

If you haven’t yet had a Pension Wise appointment, you can book an appointment.